Meisterdasin omale kella/Made myself a watch

Eestis on palju andekaid hobikorras ehtetegijaid. Osad meisterdavad näiteks kellasid. Nende vaatamisest küpses ka minu peas idee, et teeks omale ainulaadse ja meelepärase kella. Toorik oli mul olemas. Kuna soovisin, et kell oleks suht praktiline ja peaks vastu, siis väga hullu disaini ning pingutust ma kella tegemisse ei pannud. Kellatooriku külge sidusin elastse paela ja ajasin meelepärased helmed ritta.

Tulemusega olen 100% rahul ja mulle sellise disainiga kell väga meeldib:) Osad helmed püüavad ja peegeldavad valgust imeliselt niiet maailma on sära täis. Eile tegin vastupidavustesti kellale, nimelt aitasime vanaemal maja koristada ja kell pidas ilusti vastu!

There are some really talented jewelry makers in Estonia who do it as a hobby. Some of them make watches, beautiful watches. So I wanted to make myself. I had the watch base. I want my watch to be simple and durable so I didn’t want to put much effort in it. I strung double elastic cords to the watch and made a pattern with beads I liked. The result can be seen from the pictures.

I must say that I’m very happy with the result. The watch is gorgeous and some of the beads catch the light and sparkle in the sun like crazy. I did a durability test for the watch. We helped grandmother to clean her house yesterday and the watch made it! So if it can survive cleaning then it can survive almost anything 😀

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